Need u to listen 2 this

by La ShOrTy   Feb 11, 2006

Dis isnt really a poem but i needed 2 get dis off my chest...

so many feelings i have for you going one way and the other i juss dont kno wat to do..i love you so much, words cant even express..and not tellin u this, is something ill regret...all these beautiful emotions my heart feels. like its juss going as fast as its ever been going b4 but its frozen at the same time, this anxiety i have to scream it to da whole world what i feel for you, but i cant even open my mouth to start bcuz these emotions are juss too strong..

baby i love you so much, more than ull ever kno. i kno we´ve been threw a lot and are still gonna go threw more but chu kno wat, its all worth it if its for us that we´re figting for...4.3.04


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  • 18 years ago

    by Princess Love

    Great write and an enjoyable read. Keep it up. And thanks for commening on mine. Its much appreciated.

  • 19 years ago

    by La ShOrTy

    Hey thx so much means a lot. yea i really care for this kid and we´ve been threw so much and deres still so much more things were gonna go threw pero lo kiero mucho n i think its worth it..dats life order to live it u need 2 fight for it, dats how i see things..

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    It takes courage to let us see what is going through ur mind... n even though it wasnt a poem, u spoke from the heart, and that itself is poetic!!!!
