by ~you kill me well~ Feb 11, 2006
category :
Life, society /
Do you remember those years in school when fitting in was all anyone wanted, and being an outcast was considered bad? those years in high school where eating at lunch wasn't cool and being a bad ass was? the days you cri ed down the hall because he likes her and she likes him but you like her too. the months you were rejected from social groups because your a lesbian and no one wants to be friends with a lesbian. do you remember before you we're a lesbian the guy you dated and later broke his heart because although you though he was the love of you life, something was missing? remember the years of sneaking out and sneaking drinks.. the times you lied to your parents about going to a friends when really you went at all, you we're just going to the big party up the road. the time your best friend got drunk and you panicked.. if you could take back all those times and have just came to the conclusion you didn't fit in and we're a lesbian would you? or wouldn't you change a thing because without the past you wouldn't have the future you do? my opinion.. i wish i could change it now but when i think about the future I'm not sure if i really want to change anything. |