A Random Poem

by fRAnk A   Feb 11, 2006

If suicide be a crime

It is only cowardice that can impel us to it.

If it is not a crime...

both prudence and courage,

should engage us to rid ourselves at once....

of all existence, when it becomes a burden...

It is the only way

that we can then be useful to society,

by setting an example, which,

If followed...

Shall preserve everyone his chance for hapiness

and eventually free him.....

from all danger....

or misery.....


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  • 19 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    Hmm....deep thinking....And rather good. Your dicition is great since the words compliment the work.

  • 19 years ago

    by MrPessimist

    Your a good poet, keep it up!

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