Friends or more?

by cuca aShLeY   Feb 11, 2006

You were my friend
i only thought of u as that
though i couldnt stan not seeing u
i didnt noe how i really felt
i missed you when u didnt kome
i waited for u 2 say hi
i couldnt understand what i really felt
it was as if i couldnt live withought u
we were apart for while
but i still kouldnt get u out of my mind
i worried evry day if u didnt kome
i feared u had left me
but then i realized
what i felt was really true
i loved you
i didnt noe how u felt but i didnt care
then the most amayzing thing happened
valentines day was coming
u were always there behind me
looking at me
i kould feel u looking at me
but we didnt even turn to see each other
we didnt say hi
we just passed by
we kept on walking
then on valentines day u kame
with a gift for me
u asked me if i wanted 2 be ur gf
i said yes
that afternoon u received a gram
it said i liked you
we both thought of telling each other
and soo from that day
i have been with
laughing,crying,and having a great time
u r all i wanted
what i needed
i never new how much i did
till this day
:P hope all ur wishes kome true jut like mine did:)


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  • 18 years ago

    by kallie

    So what i'm going through!! he was just a friend but i missed him when he didn't call i got jelous of other girls, smiled huge when he called!! i finally figured it out too!! and lucky me he likes me back!! not that you care lol!! nice job though i'm soo happy for you! comment back if you would!