Comments : PARENTS

  • 19 years ago

    by DANI

    Awww...the same thing happened to parents told me not to see this boy...and it rlly hurts...well done!! good use of words 5/5 xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Hey mamii keep fiightiin for him, my parents triied the same thiing... but I kept seeing him anyways... and at the end... they saw I wasnt gonna give up on hiim and they understood I loved him...Parents thiink that because we are young we do not know how to love... but thats when love is the purest and strongest... cus since is your first love, you give all of yourself to this one person... U understand? Well I hope you do, nad if you love hiim ma , fiight for hiim!!!

    The poem was amazin, gr8 flow with the words and the meaning of it came out very clear... 5/5

    P.S. Thnx for commentin on my poem...
