Fields of Innocence

by LadyPearl   Feb 11, 2006

Hush poor baby, don't you cry
Mommy's here to hold you tight
Around my arms, I sing a lullaby
In our dreams you'll be alright
In this field of innocence

Don't shed your tears away for me
I will live till you are strong
Upon this lands shimmering glory
You shall grow without no harm
In dreams of innocence

Sing and dance onto angel's wings
You will rise to light's remedy
No need to worry about everyday things
My love for you is still raging
Upon my field of innocence

When you're in pain, I'll embrace you
And when you need me, i'll be there
During these lightened day, I will do
What I can to give you my care
Fields of Innocence now fades

Aging process has cast it's years
upon your mother, me, your love
Do not weep for my life, dear
I'll still be with you, heaven above
Fields of Innocence fades away...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Another anime/quiziila lover, nice. This poem was really really powerful, capturing the strongest love, of a mother for her child and how she wants to protect her child from the horrors of the world and give her child everything until she no longer can. I was very touched by this poem. Excellent poem love, really really excellent.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 18 years ago

    by shannon

    That was absolutily beautiful and sad in everyway. i loved it so much, you have a talent, keep it up

    thanks for sharing
    take care