I Love You

by FoundHim   Feb 12, 2006

I still love you
And I will forever
No matter what happens
I hope it gets better.

I can never
Stay mad at you
For any little
Thing that you do.

Us being together
Is destiny
I love you
And you love me.

You make me happy
When I'm sad
You're there for me
When I'm mad.

I'm very lucky and gracious
To be yours
And we're going on
Month number 4.

I love you so much
After such a short time
And I show you
In each and every line.

When I think
Of a life without you
I cant see it
And I know you cant too.

Us being together
Is destiny
I love you
And you love me.

I am special
In your eyes
You don't tell me
Any stupid lies.

Your love
Is for me only
And in being with you
Ill never be lonely.

My heart is heavy
My love for you too great
You are the one
I never will hate.

I love you so much
After such a short time
And I show you
In each and every line.

I love you
And you love me
Forever and ever
It will be.

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  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    ~The Poet~
    Thank you for all those comments.that was a lot