My Feelings

by Jennifer   Feb 12, 2006

I didn't know how I really
felt about you till you left me.
I love you a lot and I always have
I just wish you felt the same.
You are always on my mind no matter what I do I can't stop thinking about you, there's just something about you that catches my eye I never felt this way about anybody else. I just wish you were
My baby again because I'm falling
apart without you, why did you leave me to face this world alone?
Please come back to me back into my arms. I will do anything to have you as my baby again.
Please come back to me I'm falling
apart without you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Thanks alot but my mom and dad hate him so bad and right now i'm dating this one dude who is really good to me. and that guy that i'm talking about in that poem i loved but he hit me sometimes when something went wrong for him. and now he has a charge for raping his ex gurlfriend. Thanks for the comment that was sweet!