Bloody Valentine

by Bill Turner   Feb 12, 2006

Pulling into the drive
Red light on the porch
Valentines Day feeling alive
So hot my passion can scorch

As I reach the door
A heart hangs there
Jaw hits the floor
Scent of blood in the air

Pushing my way inside
Blood on the walls
Praying she found a place to hide
I stumble the halls

Kitchen knives spread on the floor
A creak above my head
Too much blood on the floor
Someone is not dead

Picking up a knife
Setting down the rose
Is this the destiny of my life?
Scent of death fills the nose

No one hiding down here
Starting up the stair
Heart raging with fear
Sweat hanging in the air

Guest rooms are an empty space
A shadow by my bed
Grimace upon my face
How many are dead?

Kicking open the door
Standing there all in white
Bare feet on the floor
A glorious sight

My Valentine lover
Her smile to beseech
Love in the air does hover
As her hands to me reach

Calm in her face
As I fall into her arm
My heart begins to race
Sensing imminent harm

Fangs sinking into my flesh
Mine into hers
Our bodies begin to mesh
As her heart purrs

Eternal love we make
Gift of forever life
Where are the lives we will take?
Ending their earthly strife

On blood we will feast
All night long
Until the sun rises in the east
Ending our lustful song


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  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Wow, that poem was . . . at first confusing and then I think I kind of got it. Either way you had powerful discriptions, even if my punny mind couldn't follow your train of thought all the way.

    _Tainted Mikochan

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    That was an awsome poem. I liked the twist at the end. I didn't see that coming at all. Keep up the good work. *5/5*

  • 19 years ago

    by Kimmy

    It was beautiful and dark at the same time; perfect ending too. I loved it!

  • 19 years ago

    by bethan

    Thats soo deep. good poem

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    WOW im lyk speechless...this poem was amazing...this deserves a 10\10 lol...keep it up...luv dia mwaz xoxo

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