
by Danielle   Feb 12, 2006

Here I am again,
on this very day,
without you by my side,
no one to step in the way,
no one to wipe my tears,
and no one to cuddle me so,
I feel alone,
and everyone just lets me be.
I'm sure this is because,
I'm in in nothing but a crust,
my moods are up and down,
I feel like I can't trust.
You leave me alone,
to drowned in my sorrows,
but what i really need,
is for someone to lend a hand,
and pull me out,
so i can breath.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Anna

    Hey pretty good girl, i like the rythym, i see we have alot in commom, get a hold of me sometime, it''d be nice to make a freind.

  • 19 years ago

    by MethodtotheMadness

    Don't drown. if you stop breathing i'll have no more poems to read from you.