What Happend to You?

by Help_ME   Feb 12, 2006

I never thought i would finally fall for you
Some times i wonder if this is true
We went out almost 7 times
I must have been blind
Then she came
Her, I do not blame
She is my best friend
Till the very end
But you began to drift away
I thought that was ok
I started to care
Thats a big dare
I didn\'t relieze how much i liked you until she came
This is such a painful game
Sometimes you get me mad
And other times get me sad
But what heppend to us?
We cant even begain to trust
I don\'t know if you like me
But please
Don\'t leave
Now I must say something that never came out
This is actually something i do not doubt
But listen to what i have to say
Becuz maybe some day...
Some day you won\'t be there
Thats how much i care
So I love you
Maybe some day you will to..


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  • 19 years ago

    by Help_ME

    Well the girls is still my best friend and the guy well i havent told him,, i feel so left out the only reason people talk to me is to find stuff out about my best friend every one talks behind my back while they hang with my best friend and have fun... and the only reason the boy calls me is for my best friend!! i feel so so used :(

  • 19 years ago

    by kallie

    Nice job!! i like it!! what happend with you and the guy?? what did the other girl do?? keep up the good work and comment back if you would!