You Can't Make Me Talk

by Jaime   Feb 13, 2006

You can ask me why I'm upset
But there's no way I'll admit it
You can sign me up for a counselling class
But I'm definitely going to quit it

You can tell my whole family
But I promise I'll just run away
You can threaten me if you want to
But I don't care what you have to say

You can pester me about it for hours
But I just might resort to violence
You can beg and get down on your knees
But I'll say "nothing's wrong" with defiance

You can try 100 ways to make me talk
But it's not something I'll appreciate
Or you can just let me cry on your shoulder
And I'll thank you for being so great


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Aww! datz so sweet!! :)) i rilly lik it..

  • 18 years ago

    by Daniel J

    Ha. I forgot I commented on this poem before. Well, My first line was going to be "what a cute poem."

    I suppose I haven't changed much since a few weeks ago.

  • 19 years ago

    by NannO

    I dunno y that made me smile.. not that im hard-hearted or anything.. but i just think the exact same way.. i can reli relate to this poem... especially the last stanza.. it was lyk u wer talking about me.. once agen ur rhyme was gr8 and the flow was too.. ur just an awesome writer.. with ur poems, i just hit home.. i mean, i can see myself clearly thru ur writing.. im sure lots of other people feel the same way.. u talk about everyday situations with ur own personal twist.. gr8 job once agen
    and u say ur not that gud..
    cmon, ur amazing!!
    keep up the talent
    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Holli

    I like this poem! It is wonderful. Exactly how I feel as well. I read your other poems as well and they are great. I am looking forward to your next one!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Daniel J

    Cute. Cute last line.

    Thanks for commenting on my poem: it's nice to see you still comment after such a long time.

    Keep up the work. I intend to sift through all the poems I missed, that you've written, once I set foot on Blighty (England).