I Miss Sam

by Becca   Feb 13, 2006

Sam Loved God,
He's with Him now,
We loved Sam so much,
I can't explain how.
He was the greatest brother,
He could be,
He was the greatest brother,
I ever did see.
If I could see him once more,
That'd be enough.
For losing him,
Is very tough.
We'd love to see him,
Very much.
Just for a minute,
Just even a touch.
He was a nice friend,
That was one of his traits.
But now he's with God,
At the Pearly Gates.
I wish we could visit him,again and again,
The love and fun,would never end.
I'll meet him someday,
And when I do.
I know he'll say,he loves me.
And I'll say,
I love you...

Written By:Frank Ahrens
Age 12

Sam Ahrens (15) died in car wreck his little brother wrote this for his funeral.


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