Sunny Hours

by OneOfTheFallen   Feb 13, 2006

You broke my heart once

And I forgave you

Because, like an idiot

I thought you were true

Then you broke my heart twice

Again I forgave you

My heart was resurrected

Reborn again new

A third time

You broke my heart

I found that every time

Gone forever was a small part

And I forgave you yet again

But you took me for granted

You had already sewed your fate

A seed of doubt was planted

Tread softly my �friend�

For you stand on thin glass

Only if you�re careful

Will you be allowed to pass

For a while

You were nice

Then you cast me away

Like a simple roll of the dice

You shattered my heart

Into thousands of pieces

Smoothed it out

And cut along the creases

You who held the key to my heart

Broke it in half

Let it fall to the floor

With nothing but a laugh

Lightning flashed

The heavens poured

All as your knife

Cut me to the core

I forgive you �friend�

But I cannot forget

Yet regardless of the pain

I am glad we met

And as I watched

Heaven�s tears come down in showers

Like a sundial

I reserve to only count the sunny hours


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  • 19 years ago

    by Nonto

    I know exactly what you are talking about.that's a good one.