Comments : Have you ever?

  • 19 years ago

    by DiMpLeS

    I really liked this poem. i can relate to it. it must sound gay cuz i'm a guy but it's true.

  • 18 years ago

    by swill

    I understand totally
    wish my unrequited love wud rite me smth like this
    as a matter of fact ive written a poem called HAVE YOU EVER too...
    can u please read it n temme how it is?
    its abt how a girl like you (sorry) hurt me really bad....and ...okay read it lol

    bye take care keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Lyn

    But you are learning so much.Nobody has the answers except Jesus he knows us inside out.He knows we have a feeble frame but if we have a conscience about hurting others then we will make sense of the lessons we're learning. everybody screws up at times but it's where you go from there that will resolve the confusion.