This Thing Called Life

by sami   Feb 13, 2006

I began to write a poem
Then realized they were all the same
An ode to the woes of life
And the sorrows of this game

The pattern kept persisting
As I read through each past poem
The loneliness in my heart
Where the deer and antelope roam

I keep asking the same question
Why am I so sad?
All I've ever wanted
Was to take back what I once had

But I was locked in a cage
With no sun to shine through
And the bail to let me out
Was already half past due

I still don't have an answer
To this thing we call life
I don't know if we'll ever win
The never ending strife


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  • 19 years ago

    by jenny

    Thanks for commenting firstly and this is awesome and i can relate to this i see a pattern in mine too. And if you ever want to talk my aim= evangeline33090

  • 19 years ago

    by Jacintha

    Really beautifull

  • 19 years ago

    by my_little_secret

    That was a very nice poem to read, cos its not often that as individuals we realise that there are patterns to the way we behave, and we hav to change those patterns to progress

  • 19 years ago

    by MrPessimist

    Very well done my friend.

    P.S. that really was my last poem