Lady in white, waiting at the alter

by jessie   Feb 13, 2006

I thought we would be together forever,
I thought you would share my love,
Now, I know the truth of the word never,
As I wipe my last tear with my glove,

Here I stand, in front of a crowd,
My hair in a bun, white dress and long gloves,
Your best man is walking slowly, not proud,
Handing me a note, he hugs me supporting of his love,

I open it up and read your goodbye,
Leaving me stranded with a deep brake inside,
I take a deep breath and let out a sigh,
I wish I would be able to turn off my mind,

You changed the person I am,
You made me whole for a moment,
Then you gave my heart a giant bam,
Making me leave my loving sentiment,

I don't need your sympathy,
Je n'ai plus besoins de vous,
So keep your damn apologies,
I will survive and allow myself to let go.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Megan Michaud

    Wonderful! Great writing! I loooove the title! oxoxo~Meg

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephy

    Aww so sad and sweet...great job hunn!-xxx-