When things get tough,dont you quit

by sarah   Feb 13, 2006

NOW s the time to open up
dry those tears and keep the past shut
for the future of happiness is not so bleak
just hold your head high,and don't admit defeat

we've all cried tears,some good,some bad
we've all thought of the past we've had,
if i counted the tears I've cried
ide be here till the end of time

so keep on smiling even when you feel down
keep your head held high,and never frown,
with a heart of gold,and a smile like the brightest star,
friends and love will never be far.

would really like to hear your comments on this poem.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jimmy Jr.

    Great poem keep it up thats was good at least you like to keep your head in the game and my name is james

  • 19 years ago

    by Jimmy Jr.

    Great poem keep it up thats was good at least you like to keep your head in the game and my name is james

  • 19 years ago

    by Amanda

    Aww that really gives you some kind of hope reading that. I loved it, it was beautiful. You have talent. If it comes from the heart it's good - thats what I believe anyway. I'm quite happy one minute, sad the next kind of person so that poem really made me feel happy inside. Keep up the good work :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Heidi

    The advice throughout this piece is amazing. i love how it was put together as a poem, and ended up with so much meaning. you should be proud of this piece, i know I would be.