Can I live without you

by Latasha   Feb 13, 2006

You've put with all my bull sh!+
Been there through it all!
I scream and I yell,
You don't seem to mind.
You listen closely to everything I say.
No matter how mad I get you always tell me you love me!
I know you can't live with out me.
You tell me how much you care day after day.
There are times were I don't know why you just tell me to f*c|< off!
You grab me and pull me in close,
You tell me how beautiful I am.
I snarl in dis-belief.
I hate how you by pass everytime I get mad at you.
You act like nothing happened.
I know you can't live with out me.
But the question is,
Can I live with out you?

**to my current bf**


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  • 19 years ago

    by Knoxy

    Hey big tash, this is good..hez truly awesome haha..and i dunno..i can just see you guyz together for a long u'll be able to figure out the answer...anywayz, cya ya
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