Spur of the moment

by kittykat0232   Feb 13, 2006

For the spur of the moment I was mad
I had no reason but my heart just didn't comprehend

I was sad all of a sudden and acted far too pissed off
But no one understands my heart is what's wrong

I just don't know why I'm sad then happy then mad

I just don't know why I cry all day all night
No one understands my heart is what's wrong

No one gets it...I don't feel right
I get really sad and get a knife..
Never get a chance to do it but that doesn't make it right
No one gets it one day I might just die..
when that day comes..I'll be happy with no more fights!

For the spur of the moment...I just want to die!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Tiffani

    The rhymes were a little thrown in it looks like but i still feel the emotion in ur poem. i liked it

  • 18 years ago

    by iNfAmOuS

    Very expressive and emotional. Like it

  • That was proper good!
    I really fancy that it came from your heart..
    And those feelings are surreal!

    Much ♥

  • 18 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Luckily it's just a spur of a moment...great poem...I luv the way u uses ur own style in it...yet it rhymes like so very good...me love it...keep it up...u hev a future in poetry...

  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenInside

    I can deff. relate very good i loved it!

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