My New Found Friend

by ~Fallen Angel~   Feb 13, 2006

Awaken in me
Is he
Devouring my soul

Hate has become me
Making me greedy
For deaths embrace

And from the darkness
He speaks
To me

"I will never let you fall again.
Never let you feel pain again
I'm your only friend"

So I took my new
Found friend
By the hand

Evil deeds were done
Leading me along
He asked me

"Beating your mind and body.
They use you; calling you useless
Yet all the while you carry a smile

I replied simply
There is nothing I can do
This life is just so cruel

"Don't be a fool"
He said with a smile
"I have plan wait here it
Will only take awhile"

Awaken in me
Is he
Devouring my soul

Hate has become me
Making me greedy
For deaths embrace

And from the darkness
He speaks
To me

"Take this blade
It will set you free.
Slit your wrist
And let your life fade"

But why
I cried
I don't want to die

"Don't cry my friend.
Yes you will be gone
But think the torment
It would bring.
Your pain will be gone
And theirs will just begin."

Fine I said
With the fire burning inside
I will die tonight

Now I'm dead
And gone
But my spirit lives on

Awaken in me
Is he
Devouring my soul

Hate has become me
Making me greedy
For deaths embrace

And from the darkness
He speaks
To me

"Welcome to my place
My dear sweet friend
Now your hell will truly begin
And never end"


Copyright ©2005 Georgina M


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  • 18 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    Wow this is a really dark poem-I love dark poems, but rarely read them so I really enjoyed this. I love the flow and the format of the poem! Very strong poem-And it is made stronger by your use of repetition----Great write 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    I enjoyed this poem very much, but I still think there is a lot of room for improvement. Suicide and depression is such an overused topic, but evil telling someone to die and driving them to the edge is not so overused, so I can tolerate this poem. I'm generally not too fond of "speaking" in poetry, but with the repetition you placed before each speech, it worked well. You had some good use of language, which did very much strengthen the poem as a whole, so well done. The part that got me was the transition from 16th to 17th stanza where the subject dies...there isn't one. Another stanza between those, or even a period (-) should break up that shift and make it smoother. That was the only part that I felt let the poem down. Good job keep writing, keep improving.

  • 19 years ago

    by -Ghostship Fidelity-

    I agree with Juls, you don't see poems structured such as this one is. It is well written and creates a story in itself. Although I did find this stanza choppy,

    So I took my new
    Found friend
    By the hand

    Eh, maybe my mind is just messing around with me again ^_^. But it was well written. I think I'm going to give it a 5/5.


  • 19 years ago

    by Juls

    Great work. I never saw a poem set up like this one before, I mean having a convo. with the devil but still keeping a format of a poem. Great work I loved reading it. Keep up the great work.


  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Damn, it is totally awesome, u rock, this is the first poem I read from u, n will come bak n check out more later, cause I gtg right now...

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