My Broken Heart II

by **Stacy**   Feb 13, 2006

I spoke to you today
After so long
And hearing your voice
Was like an angel`s song

Listening to your voice
Made me feel to cry
Thinking of all the memories we had
And how you said goodbye

I was really worried
And prayed that you were ok
Cause I heard about the accident
And other things to, I must say

I asked you what happened
But you just ignored me
You said it was no big deal
But babe, it is to me

I really wanted to know
If you still felt the same way about me
But after hearing the way you spoke
I said to myself, `Yeah right, come back to reality`

You really didn`t care
About what I had to say
Or even the pain I felt
Or how you shattered my heart again


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  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Excellent job on that poem write there..truly amazing..and great show of power..great job..
    ~The Poet~

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephy

    Wow thats really good, i love it...hope you're okay too....-xxx-