Sick Of Your Lies

by Megan   Feb 14, 2006

You lied to me again I can't take it no more
I have enough problems that make my heart sore.

I can't believe I couldn't see it in your eyes
That everything you said to me was a bundle of lies.

This wouldn't be the first time you did this to me
But I just threw it all in the past so I couldn't see.

Your lies hurt me more then you think
A tear rolls down my cheek with every last blink.

But you can't see because you don't care
All you care about is you being treated fair.

Well I'm done with you and all your s**t
I'm sorry to say this friendship is split.

I gave you too many chances, and you thought it would never end
But you were wrong, because you are no longer my friend.

I can't take your bulls**t that hurts me inside
These feeling I have, I can no longer hide.

I hate you more and more each and every day
And I don't know what else there is to say.

I have other friends that dont lie to me
Tesha, Leah, Sarah, Michelle, Taneasha, and Courtney.

I don't have to explain any more
Today is the day I walk out the door.

I will not come back, so don't stand and wait
Everything happens for a reason, it's called fate.

So I will continue my life without your lies
One last word, and that word is goodbye.

( I got other friends, but they didn't fit in the poem)
**Please comment and I will return the favor**

©Copyright Megan Kramme 2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by shavaughn

    That was a good poem it is best that you aint friends wit someone that lies to you. thats why im not friends with a girl that put a boy in the middle of friendship

  • 19 years ago

    by This Is Me

    Its a good poem... I see where ur coming from. I'm kind of dealing with the same thing. You can take a look at my friend poems if u like.

  • 19 years ago

    by Krysten

    I love this poem,
    and also i was wondering if i could quote you in a letter to a friend that i to am sick of her lies, i will give you full credit.