My Hero's Funeral

by Danny   Feb 14, 2006

The snow falls softly
on a winters day
the graveyard shines
with the white flakes of snow
his coffin slowly
lowers into its earthy home
a few flakes land
atop his wooded bed
lower and lower he goes
she takes my hand trying to make the pain go
her eyes so sweet
so Innocent but what hurts the most
is knowing that
he can't tell me
"I'm so proud to be you're father"
a tear hits my cheek
as i see the coffin
reach the bottom
i take in my hand
the dirt and lay it atop
i turn to leave and see
her standing with love in her eyes
and care in her heart
i whisper one thing
"i love you dad,
you're always here
with me in my heart"
i just wish i could hold you one more time
let you hold me like you did
when i was a scared little child
I'm still that scared little boy
and i can feel you arms holding tight
thank you for all you did
and the advice you gave
but its time to rest
and ill see you soon
meet me at the gates
with those loving arms open
i love you with all my heart dad


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  • 19 years ago

    by KayC

    This is really good. If this is true im so sorry and hope your holding up okay