
by Tate LaBianca   Feb 14, 2006

Do you miss me?
My smile,
my laugh?
my kiss?
Do you miss
the time we shared?

Well come, my koibito,
tell me of your pain.
Cry the tears that I have.
Give me what I am owed.

Show me your wounded heart,
bare your gaping soul.
I want to see your tears,
stain the face
that once haunted my dreams.
I want to see your blood,
stain the sheets we shared.

Your pain is my pleasure.
Every tear you shed,
another step closer to nirvana.

Your death is my religion.
Every sob you utter,
a tinkling melody to my ears.

I will bathe in your tears.
Let me drink deep of your sorrow.
My koibito, my lover.

You stole my heart
In return,
I'll take your life.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Poetess Lana

    Oh wow. I didn't know you were so hurt! You write such powerful poetry.

  • 19 years ago

    by RetroRavey

    OMFFFFFFFG i love it with a f...ing passion.... Please keep writing rantys like this cuz it rocked.....

  • 19 years ago

    by Tate LaBianca

    Actually, this was written by another alter ego, Rosaline. But she was so intent on putting it up, I couldn't resist!

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