Sleepless Night

by Jasmyn   Feb 14, 2006

I lay awake at night
unable to fall asleep
amazed by how
i managed to sink so deep

i replay our times together
losing count of the tears that fall
now that I've lost you
it seems as if I'm losing it all.

if i do drift off
you can't say my dreams are sweet
because even though I'm with you then
when i wake I'm incomplete

I've resorted to pills
to avoid a sleepless night
but even that won't chase you away
try as i might.

i know that I've lost you
and yet, you won't go away
you're with me every night
and every single day.

i know that it's love
with an add in of guilt
but i can't just tear down
what together we built.

I'm not sure what i expect from you
but i know i want you to hold me tight
never let me go
while i get through this
Sleepless Night.


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  • 18 years ago

    by KN

    This is a great poem.. you are very talented. I can really relate to this one. Keep it up.

    Good luck with everything,

    :: Kyanne