The Valentine's Day Tears

by Ariel   Feb 14, 2006

He knocked on my door
that Valentine's night
With an arm of red roses
The view was a delight

I told him to come in
Dinner would be ready in a few
Just have a coke and sit back
when he said "i really need to talk to you."

A million thoughts ran through my head
I didn't know what to say
I sat on my couch and waited
He wouldn't break up with me today.

"It's really hard to do this
especially tonight
But there is someone else,
And together we are right"

I sat there very quiet
Thinking about this for a long time
And I spoke suddenly
"But Kaycey, you are mine"

"I'm sorry baby girl
But we're not meant to be"
Was all he said to my broken heart
And then he walked out on me.

I cried for hours, days
I just couldn't make it stop.
That was one hell of a bomb
The man of my dreams just drop.

It's been a year
To this very day
And all I can think about
Is what I want to say.

"Kaycey, you broke my heart
Because of you Valentine's isn't the same
But I think that our demise
Left only me to blame."

"I'm sorry if I hurt you
I never meant to do that
And there isn't anything in the world I wouldn't give
To just have you back."


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ariel

    This poem is about my exboyfriend, Kaycey. I had broken up with my boyfriend Josh when he cheated on me after 2 years of being together. I had given my heart to Josh, and had it broken. I trusted Kaycey, so I also opened my heart to him. Little did I know that he found someone else. I am beginning to get over it and I have a new boyfriend, Donnelly. I feel safe and protected when I'm with Donnelly, however I do find it difficult to give my heart to him. Kayce, if u r reading this, I want you to know how much you hurt me. I want you to feel my pain. I don't hate you, but I feel like our friendship was wasted and I am going to have a hard time trusting you again. I only wish the best for you and Kendra, don't get me wrong, but you broke my heart.

  • 19 years ago

    by Gretchen

    If that is true then I am sooo sorry for you. Break ups suck so bad they just make ya wonder if ya ever wanna try again...

  • 19 years ago

    by Oshabell

    I love that poem its so awesome!

  • 19 years ago

    by xmedicatexmex

    Brilliant poem, you just get it over so well.
    and if true (and i'm sorry if i'm wrong) that's so sad