
by Gothic Princess   Feb 14, 2006

Cloudy days of grey and black
Soar over me

Drenching me in pure heavenly rain and sins
Consuming who I once was
And all that I was to be

Cloudy skies fly over me
Casting me in a world I have only known; one of darkness and loneliness

So many days and nights spend here
Laying under the stars and the melting honey sun
And lose myself in the clouds so far above

Cloudy days forever fill and spill over and under my heart
As I lose myself in their innocence


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  • 18 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    A sad undertone woven throughout. Some really interesting words that depicted the imagery. Loved the ending because...well something about it stood out quite more than anything else. Some nice word play. Clearly your imagery depicted this piece quite well.

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    I think that this sounds quite bittersweet, the imagery is awesome I love 'the melting honey sun', and though it sounds optimistic you can still read the sadness underneath. Nice write.