Only the good die young

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Feb 14, 2006

I ran my fingers across your stone
And realized once again that you're not coming home

The engraved lettering of October 2, 2001
Resemble the time when your life came undone

And everyday feels like the day before
Because after i leave, i come back for more

Your stone doesn't grow old with me
Your life is still young and forever it will be

The basic fact is that you left too quick!
It's weird how those words still make me feel sick...

You never had the chance to live out your life!
Cutting it off at 16 just isn't right!

The only way i can reach you
Is through this tombstone that i come to

Whoever knew that this would be you after these years
Whoever knew that i was capable to cry all these tears

Life will never be the exact same
Ever since i lost the main player in my game

Everything still lives and breathes,
People get wants and also get their needs

The earth still rotates and turns,
The heavens shine and hell still burns

But one thing that i finally noticed
Was how we all made it through this

Everything is the same, but not OK,
Not since we lose you on that day!

Nothing will ever feel normal like it did!
Life isn't easy any more as a kid!

Without you is like breathing no air
Because god dam-nit, life isn't fair!

But sooner or later, i realized what was true,
I realized i HAD to live without you

After this pain and all these years
I've made it through all my fears and tears

And just because you left by your choice,
Doesn't mean I'll ignore your voice

And i mean these words as they roll off my tongue
That forever & always, only the good die young


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  • 18 years ago

    by flawed diamond

    Sorry about your loss, but good poem as well.