Does anyone know

by aknives sweet kiss   Feb 14, 2006

Does anyone know the girl who is suicidal yet says dont worry?
Does anyone notice her scars?
Im that girl
Would you notice if I went suicide?
Would you care?
Would you talk to me to stop me?
Would you even notice if I died?
Would you care if I cut myself?
Would I just be offline to you?
Would you cry for me?
Would you die for me?
Would you cry if I cut myself?
Would you not care if I died?

Please comment and vote if you comment on my poems ill comment on yours!


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by struggling

    This is sad but its great.I love it.Keep your head up.Im here.
    Love Ya Strugglingxoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by hayley

    If i knew u, id would tell u everyday that i love u. what the hell! i love u and ur poem! lmao!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tanya

    Realy good poem touching xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Willow

    That sad. i hope u don't commit suicde though because there are so many people out there that'll miss u. i have been told that by the poeple who'll miss me if i do that. and wat about ur friendson here. we'll miss ur beautiful writting and we'll miss u. if ever u ned to tlk i'm here because i'm going through the suicide thing like u and i would love to be able to tlk to someone the same as me. i love ur writting.
    love willow xxooxxoo

  • 18 years ago

    by cat

    I would care and dont do anything stupid tomeny people luv u for u to do that k
    luv u like a sis,
    luv cat

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