
by jessica(i love you ry)   Feb 14, 2006

Sometimes things dont always work out the way you wish and in the end leaves you tear stained and brokenhearted but after time passes we start to feel a little better then you see things and hear things that only make you remember

remember why you loved so much why you gave your everything and more why when you were forced to let go you cried every single second of every single day

just when you start to feel as if you can go out into the world you are then shown your biggest accomplishment your biggest mistake (HIM) just when your eyes have finally cleared up after all the tears one begins to fall then millions more

just when you think you can love again your one first true love who broke your heart before returns to the show

so sometimes things dont always work out the way you wish and in the end leaves you tear stained and brokenhearted


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  • 19 years ago

    by Cindy

    really kool poem ilik all ur poems that i v read so far... id like 2 tell u i no how u feel but i honestly dont sorry......

  • 19 years ago

    by FoundHim

    * just when your eyes have finally cleared up after all the tears one begins to fall then millions more*

    yes...omg(goodness)when i finally stop crying over my now exbf, i stop for a lil bit then i think about him then one tear falls and then they come in a downpour...perfect... oh and thank you again for your comment...i appreciate it...
