A Brothers Cruelty

by ~*~MoNiQuE~*~   Feb 15, 2006

How can I have hope in myself?
When you have none in me,
How can I keep faith of self?
When failure in your eyes is all you see.

What can I possible achieve?
When you only study my faults.
What is it that I must suffer?
To stop your cruel and conceited assaults.

Who must I instantly become?
For you to accept my individual style,
Who can I possibly turn to?
If my own brother wont flash me a smile.

Where can I feel respected and worthy?
If you fill my own space with shame,
Where is the place of no fear and no failure?
That place where Im not first to blame.

When will you open your eyes to the real me,
And see Im not a selfish disgrace,
When will you hold open your arms to me?
And see the inner beauty beneath this face.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Larry

    Hey, for instance -- you don't need to say inner beauty and then use the word beneath in the same stanza or the entire poem for that matter -- if you wrote "and see the beauty beneath this face" -- you are implying that you're talking about your inner beauty and don't need to say it -- e-mail me privately for more information on this poem. Would say more now but I'm really tired

  • 19 years ago

    by Val

    Excellent, very well written with a lot of feeling