Water's Tale

by Timeless Hopeful   Feb 15, 2006

Tranquil yet stormy, a double edged woman she is
An element of Six
Twin to Fire
Motherly to her younger siblings,
She argues with her twin brother Fire,
They fight more than they can reconcile.

She has indigo soft-short curly hair:
Her eyes are cerulean-blue like the sky,
untouched by the clouds
it shares.

Skin is grayish-white:
Lips are emaciated and pinkish
But that is only part of who she is

Mother of bratty, cold Ice,
Who she extremely loves and cares:
She birthed him asexually,
while a playing a friendly game with her sister Air.

Her realm is everywhere,
but her favorite is girlish Earth,
Under the Pacific Ocean,
A castle made of Rose-Quartz:
There she rules with her Greek husband Hylas.

She is an overprotective mother and sister,
she is a giver:
But she constantly argues,
the life her hedonistic sibling Fire pursues.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    You have great ideas for poems. i liked the second stanza and the last three, but im not sure about the other two. i really love the idea behind it.
