Better Off Without Me

by Always4You   Feb 15, 2006

I sat in the bathroom crying today.
I wished that everyone would leave me alone and go away.

I feel as if no one can help me make it through.
What is my life turning into?

I made you leave, because you deserve someone better.
I made you go, because I love you;
I will love you forever.

Trust my judgements;
You don't need me.
Without me holding you down, you'll be free.

Take this freedom and run with it.
Your life will be wonderful.
Please run this race; never quit.

Someday, soon I hope, you'll meet the girl of your dreams.
You will be eternally happy.
I will sit here in this deep, dark pit, and scream.

You have given me everything, yet I push you away.
I desperately need you in my life;
I really wanted you to stay,
But you must leave, you're better off that way!

I love you, and I always will.
At the rate you're going, I have no doubts that, in the future, your life will be fulfilled.
You'll never need me with you.
Believe it, because it's true.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Umm, this poem was good, i liked it, not the best you've wrtten but still good.

  • 18 years ago

    by La La

    I did the same with a boy. well actually, with every boy i ever been with! i like this poem =))

  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Great poem i love your expression through and your last line sayin believe it cause its true..excellent job
    and it hurts me to say but me and my gf broke up yesterday after 9 can read my profile about now shes my X..
    Great poem though 5/5
    ~The Broken Man~

  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowedPhoenix

    Good poem... although the one stanza confused me, the whole poem you were saying how you wish he'd go but then in the next line you say how you wish you could make him stay, try saying rather something like: I really wanted you to stay,
    But you must leave, you're better off that way!

    Good write though