My Rock and Soul

by Ja   Feb 15, 2006

He's something like an angel from above,
giving gifts without being asked,
making me laugh whenever I'm sad.
Gazing into his face
I notice that he's quite beautiful.
Skin resembling the crudest oil
eyes deeper than the newest coal,
and lips so soft and sensual.
Touches that burn a path
all I can do is stutter and laugh.
He's leads me through my darkest hour,
he's my protector who loves to give me flowers.
He keeps me stable whenever I feel afloat and never once when we are mad at each other does he gloat.
He centers and keeps me grounded,
he's my heart,
my lover,
and my flower.
He's My Rock and my significant other.


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  • 19 years ago

    by natalie

    I LOVE the flow of this poem, you create v.good imagery....lovely poem.Good work! i gave it a 5 :)