Black and White

by OneOfTheFallen   Feb 15, 2006

You toyed with me

And so I’m leaving

The pain is too great

I’m tired of grieving

You toyed with me

And messed with my head

You have no idea

How I wish everyone were dead

You hurt me

In so many ways

And to my death

I count the days

My broken heart sings a song

My flowing blood tells a tale

My emotions gone

My spirit frail

Nobody cares

Not even a glance

The blade on my skin

Does a dangerous dance

Then I wonder

Why should I live?

I have nothing to gain

I have nothing to give

But why should I be

The only one to pass away?

Why should you live

To see another day?

You begged for mercy

For your life you pleaded

Your panicked eyes

Were filled with dread

I laugh aloud

As I stain my hands with your blood

It’s all around me

Like one giant flood

Your body is tattered

Your skin is cold

Your dead eyes wide

Who knew I would be so bold?

The angels cried

As the blood dripped to the floor

For at least they saw

The pain my heart bore

As I came to my senses

And saw what I had done

I slumped to the floor

And allowed my tears to run

As I shot awake

And thanked God it was a dream

I saw the blood that stained my hands

Not all things are as black and white as they might seem…


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  • 19 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    That was an amazing poem that i rlly was able to feel.... ur a grrt writer.. thx for the comment...
    love lots,