Illusions of the night

by Sean   Feb 15, 2006

Her eyes sparkle like bright stars of the night.
Her hair beams a shade of pure ebony.
Her contagious laugh shows her inner light,
With a voice sweet as a bird's harmony

Her gentle touch jolts the beat of my heart.
As our eyes meet love cherubs dance with glee.
Knowing for certain we shall never part,
My passion inspires her as hers doth me.

Our romance grows deeper as days go past.
Sweet memories we shall make and cherish.
Our souls, as one, will eternally last.
Without her love, I would surely perish.

The cherubs are leaving, "Don't go!" I scream.
"But, why?" I ask....
It was only a dream.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Shatter

    This is really good :D

  • 19 years ago

    by YoU-nEvEr-NeW

    That was soo sweet i wish i was that girl i bet she means alot to u huh?