Its Love.

by Cynthia   Feb 16, 2006

It's all part of life
Sometimes it's obvious, and others it's hidden
Whether you perceive it or not,
It will quickly pass you by.
There's not enough time to waste,
Just embrace what's there,
Live by the minute,
And don't look back.

It can come painless or difficult,
Either way it is recognizable and has to be dealt with,
The longer you wait to say something;
The harder it will become.
Whether you need to end it,
Or speak for it to begin,
It's up to us to come across its purpose.

It's beyond words and actions;
It's about the affection,
And the feelings you can't subdue.
The tears you shed, the faith you have,
That special grin, the long gaze,
Those healing scars, the sweet daydreams,
And that wandering mind.

It's deeper than the smiles,
There's a side that yearns for a savior,
Where the passion no longer remains,
And misery is the new happy.
It's your fairytale turning into your worst nightmare
That silent scream, yet to be heard.

It has an upside as well as a downside,
With unexpected and indescribable sensations.
And for this absurd four letter word,
There are numerous side affects,
Countless moments,
But not so many chances,
So when you have it;
Cherish it, and never let go.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kys Dirty Little Secret

    It was really good alot of big words sometimes that can be bad BUT in this case you hit that poem right on the nail it was good 4/5 luv kal

  • 19 years ago

    by Cynthia

    Hey everyone, i would greatly appriciate comments, because i am not sure if i can write or not, and i really need a second opinion.


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