
by Anna   Feb 16, 2006

The silent tears fell last night,
As you spoke the words the to me.
My heart fell fast and broke in two,
As the pain you couldn't see.

I tried so hard to fight back tears,
But they came without end.
I couldn't believe how far you felt,
You were saying you just wanted a freind.

It's so hard to pitcure in my mind,
No more i love you's to be said.
No more kisses no more hugs,
But only freinds instead.

How can i look at you the same,
When I know inside your more.
How can we change that over night,
If i don't have you what am i living for.

I can't be just your freind,
That isn't how is supposed to be.
I want to hold you in my arms,
Just keep you close to me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sydney

    Wow, that poem was amazing! I loved it and I can totally relate to it in so many ways. :)
    I'll give ya my sn, too. My Aim is: Sydneylp. My yahoo is:
    I also like makin new friends, so IM me whenever ya want! =D

  • 19 years ago

    by Milton

    I know Just how this poem feels. I do, and I don't know what to do. Good stuff.