Comments : I wish!

  • 19 years ago

    by Steven

    I love this Brittany!! I feel that way all the time, especially when you come across this person that is just perfect by first glance and first impression...theres this girl at work Amy who i want so bad to express my true feelings to but always get scared and flake...I mean we talk and everything and it seems like behind her eyes is feelings for me 2...but neither one of us will come out and say it....its feels like its gonna be that way the rest of our lives and will just let time and fate take us away from eachother. that part when you say 'everytime we touch i wish i was closer' I love cuz serious when i walk by her i want so bad to just jump on her as bad as that sounds.....theres something about her that captivates me everytime i see this tractor beam thats impossible to resist....anyways thx for the poem so i could get these thoughts out!! loved it

    P.s. feel free to check out my stuff yay!

  • 18 years ago

    by Logan Rudolph

    Omg i love this poem! i know exactly how it feels i feel the same way about this special girl i met recently :)