Rose People

by Dani Ward   Feb 16, 2006

A rose is wonderful to behold
and enchanting also to smell
do you see, what i see
a beauty, a perfection as well
some people are like roses
beautiful, inside and out
you are one of these wonders
do you see what i'm talking about

©Daniel L. Ward 2-14-2006


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  • 18 years ago

    by Marjan

    That was brilliant. even though with its simplicity, I liked the way you expressed your thoughts by comparing the person to a rose.
    take care,

  • 19 years ago

    by Lipton

    Kinda short, but a good message. Why is this a special event poem? Are people only good on Valentine's Day? Just wondering, because I'm bored.

    ~Keep rockin' lymtab