Dawnish Dream (Limmerick)

by Timeless Hopeful   Feb 16, 2006

I always wake up terrified at dawn
Dreaming I was a leaping doe-eyed fawn
While grazing on some grass
A stalking lion scratched and bitten my ass
The dream disappeared; I woke up terrified with a yawn

*A Limerick is a rhymed humorous, and or nonsense poem of five lines. With a rhyming scheme of: a-a-b-b-a*


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  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    Not bad. i thought the rhythem was a bit off. the last line didnt seem to quite fit... the foruth line, i thing there should be a 'had' in there after 'lion'

    the idea behind its pretty damn funny though
