Imagine A Thing Called Love

by Patrick   Feb 16, 2006

Loving is not a choice one is given, as to choose whom to love. The gift is that of love itself and the choice is to take such a chance.

One moment, one chance, and a lifetime could be yours. Whether one be a man or a woman, close your eyes. Now your open to see what truths can be seen.

Listen to your heart and soon the time will come. Your heart will join with another in loves song. This truth has reached your side for a reason, may you finally see.

If two are in love with the other, why can't their love just be. Passion is more than the physical touch or the look of a body's curve.

It's seeing into each others eyes and knowing that your found. Feeling as if your home, like your feet can't touch the ground. Crying even though your happy and laughing when your sad.

This gift is that of love and my choice I have made. I'm a man who loves a man in this very way. From this day on I choose him for our passion is quit strong. If you listen close you can hear our song.

(c) copyright 2006

"I dedicate this poem to the love I have yet to find."


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  • 19 years ago

    by -Ghostship Fidelity-

    ^_^ THANK YOU. Err, yes, I love it. And the stands you take. And the way you describe love. It's all very good. This is a well rounded peice I must say.

    *favorites you*

  • 19 years ago

    by Josiah Larson

    Like many other have said "It's so true" and truely beautiful, thats beacuse it really is!

    Keep up the good work and I hope that you find true love someday!!

    Good luck

    Volunteer worker for FR&C

  • 19 years ago

    by amber

    This is so true

  • 19 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley


  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    An extremely powerful write. Never give up hope ... for love is out there just waiting to be found. I enjoyed your other poems too, you clearly expose your emotions. Nice job.