
by Just Another Romantic   Feb 16, 2006

It's the longing i want from a touch
just one kiss of love
if i could fall
i would fall until the end

it's the sweet caress i want
it's when our lips almost kiss
i want the soft touches that nearly miss
i want to feel the almost to the most

i want your breath on my neck
i want your fingertips to follow my skin
to see the curve of your back in the morning sun
the need for your touch when i'm just about to cry

the beautiful eyes that keep me safe
i need to feel the feeling of love
the sensation of something i can not trust my mind to follow
but just my heart to guide

i want to want and i need to need
the only thing that keeps me from sleep
is the thought that there is somewhere out there
there is a girl for me
a love for me
a touch that will make me see

only if i knew where
i long for her
to feel again
i long for the touch of love


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  • 19 years ago

    by Anna

    Awww...that's so cute! I cannot find a word to express my feelings for this! Very beautiful!

    It would be great if you checked out some of mine!