
by Hayley Marie   Feb 16, 2006

I've tried to be happy,
It hasn't really worked,
All I've every really been,
Is depressed, lonely and hurt.

If it isn't a guy,
Its a so called friend,
But all I want,
Is to be on the mend.

I've tried covering up,
The way that I feel,
Maybe if i pretend,
Then these feelings wont be real?

I've given up with my family,
Nothing will ever be the same,
I feel like I'm losing,
Losing this horrible game.

I'm losing this battle,
This battle against time,
Nothing I do anymore,
Seems to be right.

Anything I do,
I seem to be wrong,
I cant hold on anymore,
Because I am so not strong.

Whenever I talk,
I seem to want to cry,
I cant do this much longer,
I don't even want to try!

*please if you have read this, please tell me what you think, i was planning to give up poetry then the flow just came back today when i wrote this. Please comment* Thanks xxx


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  • 18 years ago

    by LockedInEternity, and you wanted to give up poetry???How could u with such a talent!!!...this is a great poem!!!...@

  • 19 years ago

    by Katie

    Wow, thats really powerful. ive been there quite a few times, it seems to be a place u can never really get rid of. but there is also an up for every down, really love the poem

  • 19 years ago

    by DANI

    That was good hayley...well done! keep ur chin up girl everything gets better... no matter how badly u fall... keep writing x

  • 19 years ago

    by ~~Lindsay Woods~~

    Very good 5/5~

  • 19 years ago

    by holly

    That was really good, i know ive felt like that before and the way you expressed your feelings was so real and yeah i really liked it well done