The Death Poem

by FranFran   Feb 16, 2006

Her voice was sweet. Her eyes were kind.
She kept secrets and told no lies. She had too
many friends that helped her out and she helped
them up when they were down. One day at school
her friend called her fat. She said it louder and
everyone laughed. Everyone turned around and
called her a dweeb. "Please, I've had enough!" she
began to please. She ran home crying that very
same day then she ran into the bathroom and grabbed
a blade. She pressed it harshly against her wrist and
blood rapidly poured down her skin. The next Monday
she came to school with scars. The kids in class saw
and went on being harsh. They called her big, round,
large, and wide. She wanted to yell but kept it all inside.
The time she walked home and decided for fun she would
slice her neck in rows, one by one. She lost her anger. She
lost her blood. She lost her mind because it felt good. Soon
she stopped eating, skipping every other meal. Her parents
never knew. She kept her lips sealed. She became skinny,
pale, bony, and thinner. She threw up her breakfast, lunch,
and sometimes dinner. One day she was bored so she got
her hands on some coke. She sniffed it through her nose and
got a dry throat. She looked around and everything became dark
so she closed her eyes and fell apart. She fainted that day but no
one heard her scream. She was rushed to the hospital in an hour or
so and her parents whispered and yelled "Please don't go." She just
laythere on her hospital bed, cuts on her wrist and a messed up
head. Her parents by her side, crying endlessly but she looked at them
clulessly. She slit her wrists. She slit her neck. She threw up her food
every night before bed. She took some drugs ;it was better than a knife.
She wasted her money, her time, and her life. Her voice was once sweet.
Her eyes were once kind until a single word mutilated her mind. Her friends
hoped it wasn't something they said because a few days later they found out
she was dead.


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  • 18 years ago

    by FranFran

    Ha ha I likes my poem this is prolly tha only goodest one I've prolly ever written well Bye ....Me

  • 19 years ago

    by Marciella

    That is an amazing poem it really is great