
by FoundHim   Feb 16, 2006

* I know this is long but i jus had to let all of this out somehow and a poem seemed like a good idea to let it out in...plz read despite the length...*

I sit and write
As i wipe away my tears
steadily flowing from my eyes
from my broken heart
you obviously dont know
how much you meant to me
they say its not
but i cant help but feel
this is all my fault
and that you left me for her
you said we could be friends
but then you turn and say
that its hard for you
to stay friends
with an ex
you said you loved me
and that you would never
throw away that love
but look what you did
you did it anyway
not long after out \"break\"
you said you want to go out again
but you found out
that she wanted to be with you
you started dating her
during our \"break\"
than gave me a letter
saying we could only be friends
now i sit in my room
crying where no one can see
all this pain
i try not to let you see
you said you didnt
want to hurt me
HA! i laugh in your face
tears rolling down
\"See what you did?
You did exactly what
you didnt want to do\"
i try to wipe away the tears
but they keep coming
once one falls
down come the others
my heart crumbles
it beats silently
i cant hear it
nor do i feel it
i havent felt it
since what you did
i cant believe it
you found another
cant you see,


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  • 19 years ago

    by alyshaa

    Greatt poem! that was so beautifully written you put it in exactly the right words.

    much love -allie-

  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    It was long..but it was sooo wonderfully written and expressed
    Amazing job
    ~The Poet~

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Aw, i can definetly relate to this right now hun, so beautiful, and thank you for ALL those wonderful comments on my poems, i will try to comment on yours as well soon but right now i am currently preoccupied so i will be taking my time heh, but well done though, xxoo

  • 19 years ago

    by Catastrophic Beauty

    Wow! good feelings in there...hope u feel better soon,,,remember,after every cry, comes a smile:)