Breaking News

by AmberNichole   Feb 17, 2006

Yelling, Screaming, Continues to fight
Wonder if things will return to normal before the end of the night
Half the time dint even understand why
Hate choosing sides, makes me just wanna break down and cry
I cant stand all the tension and frustration
Sitting and waiting,leaves me more confused in the situation
Catching the tears before they even begin to fall
Trying to be strong, but cant erase what I saw
I feel as if I'm not good enough, and don't know if ill ever be
They compliment me, but don't know if its the truth they really see
My sis stands between them, mostly the reason
She even knows it, but to her its all pleasing
Is it even worth it anymore? Will things ever again be the same?
Hasn't yet, and I wonder if things will ever change, or be the way they came
I hate living here, and the rest of the family knows
But it continues to go on, as if I'm half a whole
Separated, Not talking, I wish it would just end
Dad, admit it, were you with another women?
Guess well never know, and well be left wondering
I wanna trust you, but its hard to really hear you when your stuttering
I was honest when I came out and considered you my hero
Don't let me down, Don't let my feelings drop all the way to zero
Ill give it a rest and leave it up to you two to decide
Will it end? .. or will you again collide?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kelsey Lynn

    Hey amba..its good..give it a 10..but honey itll be okay..f-ck ur sister..shes a b-tch and u know it. dont let her mess everything up for u. u deserve soo much better and u know it. i love u hun..