Comments : Mirror, Mirror

  • 19 years ago


    Oh, Tim this is awesome. I love it. It's an interesting storyline that you portray beautifully.
    I also like how you ended it with the last 2 lines of the 1st stanza, very nice.
    You always leave me wanting to read more....
    Love ya~Holly

  • 19 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Awesome write Tim! Excellent as always.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    Beautiful write T, such a sweet poem its a sad one but i still love it.

    love lise

  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    I really like this poem. It was very emotional. My favorite stanza was:
    I can see through the lines in your face
    Written in the corner of your eyes
    Your life has traveled to many places
    Hindered by the make-up you generously apply
    It really stood out to me. I also like the last stanza.. It really brought the whole poem together and was a great way to end it. Great job on this!

  • 18 years ago

    by sibyllene

    Oo, this is really interesting. the way i'm reading it, the woman is the most beautiful at the end, when she's not trying anymore. it's a cool thought

  • 18 years ago


    First off, wow. But wow can not simply sum up a poem of this sort, but that is the only word that comes to mind. Just know, I really loved this poem. The lines that really captured me were...

    "I can see through the lines in your face
    Written in the corner of your eyes"

    I loved them. They were truly amazing. They painted a picture in my mind. Keep it up. 5/5 =]]


  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    "The day when your mirror never lied
    You were the fairest of them all"

    Very impacting lines. Wow. I still can't get over that poem. Sadly, a lot of people go through this. A very good job at expressing it.

    As always, Tim, it's a pleasure reading your poetry. Keep it up!

    God Bless,

  • 18 years ago

    by Deana

    I loved the last stanza,very moving.very good rhymes.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    Really powerful! And fantastic ideaa