
by Arkon   Feb 17, 2006

I can sit here for minutes, seconds or hours
I could go to your house and bring you flowers
That was then, so much has changed
Everything we thought we knew has managed to become deranged

As the tide rolls in and the water falls
The cigerette is already lit and the back porch calls
I have only one thing running through my head
I wish I was dead

I lost it all in an a snap
A second just like that
Everything we had vanished before my eyes
And now, nothing matters no matter how hard I try

I fu(ked up, I want you back.
But this time you sucked up and showed me the facts
I left you for nothing and no reason at all
This will go down for me as my greatest fall

I miss you more than you'll ever know
But this is lost now, it's all lost though


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  • 19 years ago

    by CHOKE

    Hey hunnie...
    okay this one was sad. i havent talked to you in awhile im so sorry, and i know i have to catch up on reading your poems. you didnt go on vacation again and forget to pack me up in your suitcase did you lol.


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